Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pete Rose and Punishment

 An independent minor-league team, the Normal CornBelters, has announced Pete Rose will join the team’s coaching staff for one game in July.  How the mighty continue to fall.

Rose’s situation puts me into “on the one hand/on the other” frame of mind.  On the one hand, he admitted to the MLB mortal sin of betting on the sport, and he accepted a lifetime ban, which makes me wonder about his common sense, if not his intelligence.  Still, the man has more base hits than anyone before or since; steroids have put his transgressions into perspective, kind of and maybe; and he’ll be 74 in April.  Maybe it’s time to temper the punishment with some mercy.

Put Rose in the Hall of Fame, but first subject him to a news conference where he has to answer questions about his betting; to keep him from ducking his guilt, pack it with all the biggest Pete Rose critics you can find, and, yes, I’d be happy to attend.  Next, vet his acceptance speech to ensure he owns up to his misdeeds.  If he can’t man up with the requisite eloquence, then find a ghost writer who’ll do it for him.  Lastly, note on his plaque the reason for the delayed HOF installation.

If Rose can accept those terms, let him in.  Then we can talk about Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, as soon as they’re reduced to appearing with the Normal CornBelters at age 74.  

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