Monday, September 14, 2015

Football Crazy

National pastime, my eye.  From Friday through Monday, it’s been an orgy of football in these parts, high school, college, the pros and whatever the Bears qualify as.  How did this come to be?

I have no good answer.  Maybe it’s the violence, or maybe it’s a way to bond with strangers over a rack of ribs a la tailgate.  Or maybe it’s the gambling.  I read that somewhere close to $100 billion will be wagered on the various levels of football this year. Or maybe Americans are just plain nuts.

Here’s one telling difference between sports (and commissioners).  Baseball wants to shorten the length of games to at least 2 hours, 45 minutes, and I doubt anyone would complain if they got it down to 2-1/2 hours.  An NFL game can run close to 3-1/2 hours, and no one but fans of The Good Wife will complain.  These are strange times, indeed.

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