Saturday, March 13, 2021

Na Na Hey Hey...

Ex-White Sox pitching coach Don Cooper took to the airwaves Thursday on 670 The Score to talk about his dismissal from the Sox after eighteen years of slouching in the dugout. Get your hankies ready. “It’s not fun when people you really look up to and admire and care for—care for, that’s the best way to put it—don’t care for you quite as much,” the 64-year old Cooper told listeners during the Parkins & Spiegel Show. “It’s not fun.” Well, speak for yourself, Don. And allow me a few questions here, like who in particular did you admire? Jerry Reinsdorf? Kenny Williams? Also, who did you “care for” and dare I ask, how? C’mon, names and acts. Try as I might, I can’t imagine Cooper going up to any of the coaches or managers who’ve cycled through the Sox organization to offer support or sympathy after they’d been let go. Ozzie Guillen? I’m pretty sure Ozzie and Don hate one another, maybe the result of Cooper taking care of someone else in the organization other than his manager. Maybe a bullpen coach or longtime scout? If Cooper did, it was a well-kept secret. Cooper was proudly old school, so he should appreciate the adage that what goes around comes around. I suspect a lot of people who’ve worked with him feel the same way.

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