Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What Rubs Off

Supposedly, people take on the personality of their dogs (and we’re a basset family).  I think the same holds true for baseball teams.  New Yorkers are the way they are because of the Yankees while Cub fans tend to be a sorry lot because, well, it’s a hundred years and counting.

And White Sox fans over the past decade or so are a bunch of schizophrenics.  We love Paul Konerko for his (millionaire) blue-collar work ethic, and we loved A.J. Pierzynski for his in-your-face personality.  The more A.J. got into it with opposing players, the more likely we were to overlook his reluctance to run out groundballs in July and August.

Konerko-Clare embraced A.J. up to wearing a replica jersey; she never quite imitated the A.J. attitude, though I suspect it’ll happen at least once next spring.  We accepted A.J. signing with Texas last year after eight seasons with the Sox, and we hope he does well now that he’s signed with Boston.  If the Red Sox are smart, they’ll include an incentive clause to keep their new catcher from rolling his eyes every time he hears the Fenway faithful break into “Sweet Caroline” in the eighth inning.
             On the South Side, we just go na-na, hey-hey.

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