Sunday, August 3, 2014

Graduation Gift

For graduation, we treated Clare and her boyfriend to the White Sox game yesterday.  She thought the seats were good, and the girl has always loved a fireworks’ show, which the team does on Saturday nights.  As for the scoreboard message that said, Welcome #7 Clare Bukowski Elmhurst College Softball All-time Homerun Hitter, well, that was priceless, as they used to say on the commercial.

I wasn’t too cranky at the end of the game, given that the Sox coughed up a late-inning lead to lose to the Twins, 8-6.  But $8.25 for a beer?  How long till they start loansharking money to pay for the concessions?  I mean, for the fans who can’t get to the ATMs around the park.

I don’t drink, but I still end up with a headache from games.  It’s the pulsing lights and the noise and the lights.  Call me old school, but if you’re going to pump up the crowd with AC/DC, why stop there?  A human sacrifice at the mound is the next logical step.  And the perky interns who toss t-shirts into the stands between innings—I hate it.

Can’t we just play ball and post a few heartfelt messages on the scoreboard?  

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