Sunday, September 1, 2024

By the Numbers

The Sad Sox lost again last night, 5-3 to the Mets. That’s nine in a row in a 31-106 season, three games ahead of the pace set by the ’62 Mets in their 40-120 season. Here’s where it gets interesting, or depressing, depending on your viewpoint. In 60 games this season, the Sox have scored two or fewer runs. In other words, the Sad Sox have scored fewer than three runs a game 43.8 percent of the time. Wow. They’ve been shut out fourteen times; gone 1-25 when scoring one run; and 2-21 when scoring two. So, when they score two or fewer runs in a game, there’s a better than 93-percent chance they’re going to lose. And Jerry Reinsdorf wants a new stadium? How sadly amusing.

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