Saturday, February 22, 2014

Look for the Union Label

Google “Northwestern University athletics” and it’s hard to miss the words “partner of” that come up.  And we’re supposed to think college athletics isn’t a job?

Right now, the National Labor Relations Board is collecting testimony on the question of whether or not Northwestern football players are bona fide employees of the university.  Yesterday, a school official raised the possibility that any negotiated package between the school and a football players’ union would place the university in violation of Title IX because what boys get girls are supposed to get.  And that would be a bad thing how?

As of today, the Northwestern softball team is in the middle of five straight weekends spent playing out-of-state: Tempe; Baton Rouge; Cathedral City, CA; Fullerton; and Clearwater.  So, basically, Friday through Sunday is spent playing softball with Thursday as a travel day.  You just want to ask how the studies are going.
Money to play a college sport?  I don’t know.  But fairness demands expanded health care and educational benefits.  Play four years of football, and the school will be there down the road if and when arthritis and/or dementia sets in.  Play x years of anything, and you get those number of years in free tuition to finish your degree or attend graduate school/med school/law school.  That works to me.

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