Sunday, December 28, 2014

Time Flies

This is how I know I’m getting old—someone on Clare’s tee-ball team got engaged this week; he was a nice kid with a real woodcutter’s swing.  And then there’s the catcher from Clare’s high school team.  Hard as nails, strong arm, good at keeping pitches in the dirt from skipping away.  She’s in Thailand now with the Peace Corps.

For three years that catcher kept our star pitcher focused, something Clare will readily admit she couldn’t by her lonesome.  Fast-forward to college, and the two of them faced off against one another every spring in the CCIW, power pitcher vs. my daughter the homerun hitter.  Well, the pitcher has now joined the ranks of the recently engaged.

Did I say “old”?  “Decrepit” is more like it.    

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