Saturday, May 6, 2017

"Exit Velocity"

The term de jure on baseball broadcasts is “exit velocity,” or how fast a homerun ball leaves the yard.  I was going to say this is a meaningless stat, a homerun’s a homerun, but that would be wrong.  If you think about it, the idea of “exit velocity” is pure poison.

Look at how EV to came out of nowhere to become part of instant replay.  Americans love things fast, fast things and now, thanks to a new gadget or a new readout from an old one, fast-moving homeruns.  How much you want to bet there won’t be a top-ten list at season’s end for fastest EV balls?

What’s the harm with that? you might ask.  Just this:  the faster the speed, the more likely the hitter was tall and strong.  The equation EV=Height and Muscle will will affect entire lineups.  This is not a good thing for 5’ 9” (yeah, right) Dustin Pedroia or 5’ 10”Andrew Benintendi or anyone who wants to follow in their footsteps.  And “EV” may as well be scarlet letters branded on the forehead of any female athlete who wants to play professional baseball.

Just remember that the next time the EV number flashes on the screen after a homerun.

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