Sunday, November 5, 2017

Oh, Boo-hoo

John Schnatter, the founder of Papa John’s Pizza, thinks his business has taken a hit because of NFL player protests during the national anthem; by the pizza king’s way of tihnking, peasant heads should roll for such impertinence.  “NFL leadership has hurt Papa John’s shareholders,” Schnatter complained recently.  You have to wonder if he’s ever tried to eat what he sells.  Who eats this stuff, or Domino’s Pizza Hut or Little Cesar’s?   

Actually, I do know, and a lot of the time it’s travel teams far away from home.  I can’t tell you the number of times a pizza “party” featured one of the above brands.  Melted cheese on gooey white bread, yum.  Probably the only thing worse than a meal of pretend pizza was the time the geniuses in charge of Clare’s travel team junior year in high school let the girls vote on where to eat, and for whatever reason they picked Hooter’s.  I kid you not.  Talk about a lack of adult leadership.

Now that my one and only has aged out of travel softball, I’ve stopped eating hot cheese on goop.  Maybe NFL fans are starting to catch on, too.

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