Monday, February 19, 2018

Try Looking in the Backyard First

There I was, minding my own business, walking through Walgreen’s after church, when a copy of Street and Smith’s Baseball—“America’s Baseball Bible”—jumped off the magazine rack and practically forced its way into my hand.  What could I do but buy it?

I’ll save the predictions for later.  What struck me right away was the front-page headline for one of the feature stories, “Pure Colombian: Exploring the rise of the next great baseball-producing country,” Colombia, to be exact.  I have no doubt MLB scouts are readying a D-Day intense invasion, minus bullets, as we speak.
Maybe they could stop in Florida—or Texas or California—on their way.  College softball has started.  I hear tell some girls can sure hum that pea while others can hit it.  You know, it never hurts to take a look.  At least that’s what they say about male talent.

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