Sunday, July 28, 2019

More Laps

Yesterday, I did more laps at the Y, not in the pool but above; they have an elevated track around the facilities.  Michele likes to walk it, and I joined.

There are three lanes—walk, jog, run.  Us old folks stick to the walk lane, not that it really matters.  I tried jogging/running back in the day, but it never took.  In my twenties, I’d already hiked thirty-plus miles in the mountains and done twenty-plus through city streets.  Walking is a great activity, at least for me.  The Forrest Gump thing, though, is another story.

Like I said already, laps are as much mental as physical.  You have to want to do them in order to do them.  The trick for me yesterday was focusing on directions.  For reasons buried deep in my subconscious, I wanted to know what direction I was going in.  Two sides of the building have windows, two don’t.  Call me the human rat working his way through a simple maze, which I did.

And, you know what?  It made the minutes pass.  The other time I went with Michele, I also worked the small punching bag, a la Rocky.  Yeah, I could’a been a contender.  

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