Monday, October 5, 2020


Yankees’ outfielder Aaron Judge put a very big foot in his mouth when he told over the weekend, “To me, the regular season is kind of like spring training. The real season is the playoffs.” Oh, really? This is rich, coming from a player whose team used to hold the two most-coveted records in baseball, single-season and career homerun marks. Sorry, Babe, sorry, Roger. What you did isn’t all that important, the way Aaron Judge looks at it. If the regular season is “kind of like” spring training, why even bother with the MVP and Cy Young Awards? The really sad thing here is that Judge is merely reflecting what the entire baseball establishment thinks. What counts is October (and, if COVID ever goes away, maybe November). And, pardon me, but the only people who should worry about seeding in the national pastime are the groundskeepers. With all due respect, Commissioner, October isn’t March, and to confuse the two is madness.

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