Tuesday, December 22, 2020

If You Say So, Tony

Yesterday in Arizona, new-old White Sox manager Tony LaRussa pled guilty to reckless driving, a plea bargain that allowed him to escape a more serious DUI charge. LaRussa addressed the media afterwards. He said a conference call, “I feel a deep remorse and regret over what I did,” without explaining the difference between those two emotions. He also claimed, “I know I don’t have a drinking problem, just like I know I made a serious mistake in February. And where I am right now is to prove that I don’t have a drinking problem every day off the field that I’m going to handle it.” That’s good, because whether or not he knows it, LaRussa has placed a life-sized bullseye on his back for TMZ and anyone else keen on trashing a public figure. Whenever LaRussa goes out to eat, the cameras will be out to record him getting up from the table; walking to the men’s room; heading for the parking lot. If he stumbles, we’ll see it; if he weaves, we’ll know. If he does either or both and then steps behind the wheel, bye-bye, Tony. The White Sox released a statement that said in part, “Tony knows there is no safety net below him. There cannot be a strike three.” Just in case, the front office should have a list of possible successors on hand.

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