Thursday, February 27, 2020

Three's a Charm

Bad things happen to very rich people, is the only way I can put it.  Jerry Reinsdorf, for all of his multi-billion-dollar net worth, is saddled with Jim Boylen as coach of the Bulls.  You may know Boylen by the nickname he’s intent on establishing for himself as Mr. Timeout.


Three times this month, Boylen has called a timeout with 64, 30.3 and 28.4 seconds left in games where his team had absolutely no chance of winning.  But Boylen thinks these are teachable moments, as evidenced by the Bulls’ 20-39 record so far this season.  So much to learn, so little a teacher.


Reinsdorf is a man who values loyalty before talent.  He showed that a very long time ago with the White Sox when he got rid of general manager Larry Himes, who drafted Frank Thomas and Robin Ventura (the player, not the manager), among others.  He did it again with the Bulls, preferring Jerry Krause to Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson.  At least with the Sox, Rick Hahn has shown a modicum of talent to go with the loyalty.


But the Bulls, oh my.  Maybe a little reverse psychology is in order.  Hey, Jerry, we love what Gar Forman has done as GM of your team, what with Jim Boylen as coach and all.  

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