Wednesday, September 2, 2015

So Funny It Hurts

 Clare just sent me a clip from a Saturday Night Live skit that first ran in April.  It’s a nice takeoff on “A League of Their Own.”

 Five Rockford Peaches are debating whether women can play baseball.  As soon as they decide, Yes, they can, two black women walk over and ask if they can play.  One of the Peaches explains that it’ll be a gradual process.  First, white women will play, then black men, “Then all women are allowed to play underhand with the big softball, like a child.” 
Finally, just as the Peaches are ready to accept black teammates, the Peaches’ manager announces the good news:  “The war’s over, the men are coming home, so get off the damn’ field and never come back.”  That’s pretty much what happened, and it seems to be how MLB wants to keep things, Jessica Mendoza in the broadcast booth notwithstanding.  I’m surprised the commissioner’s office didn’t go after SNL for smearing the national pastime.  Trust me, guys, the truth will set you free.

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