Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Glimpse--Barely--of Women's Baseball

 The Sun-Times ran an obituary today of a woman who played for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.  Nice story, weird photos.  If you looked fast, you’d think Geena Davis had died instead.

Among the teams Barbara Berger Brown played for were the Chicago Colleens, a feeder team for the league; according to Wikipedia, the Colleens and the Springfield Sallies barnstormed across the eastern U.S.  Looking to draw new fans and develop new players at the same time would seem to be the mark of a league with a clue.  I swear, if they’d had anything to do with the Bears, AAGPBL players would have had streets named after them downtown.
You can always tell it’s the national pastime by how little people know about it, which is why a still featuring Ms. Davis and Tom Hanks from the movie “A League of Their Own” is used to help illustrate an obituary.  On second thought, it’s more sad than weird.

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