Monday, January 21, 2019

A Good Mouthpiece

In Chicago, politics trumps sports, even, so it should come as no surprise that a little politicking broke out at the Cubs Convention over the weekend.  At issue was who should represent the ward home to Wrigley Field.


The incumbent is Tom Tunney, who’s represented the 44th Ward since 2003.  Tunney is a native South Sider, which may be part of his problem with the Ricketts’ family.  He’s also a small businessman, another possible reason he has a bullseye on his back.  Tunney has defended food and entertainment venues that haven’t jumped on the Ricketts-Wrigleyville development bandwagon for fear that it will roll over them.  And the Cubs don’t like that.


Why, Wrigley Field is a “huge economic driver for this city,” team president of business operations Crane Kenney said at the convention on Saturday, and you wouldn’t want to mess with that, now would you?  Julian Green, team VP of communications, thinks Tunney spends too much time on Wrigley-related issues.  “Why is he focused more on the Cubs versus crime, schools and education?” Green was quoted in Sunday’s Tribune.


As if the folks at Clark and Addison could give a hoot about crime, schools and education.  They initially wanted Wrigley Field’s renovation to be done on the public dime, which would seem to take away money available for schools and police.  And these are the people who want to shut down traffic around the park, fallout on North Side traffic patterns be damned.  So, forgive my skepticism over this sudden outburst of civic-mindedness.

The Cubs are accusing Tunney of being beholden to special interests in the ward.  If they were being honest, the Ricketts would admit they’re upset Tunney isn’t beholden to their special interests most of all.  

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