Friday, May 17, 2024

The Strange Case of Kevin Pillar

The White Sox DFA’d outfielder Kevin Pillar on April 28th . The Angels signed him two days later. The numbers tell some sort of story. For the Sox, Pillar batted .160 with a homerun and four RBIs in seventeen games. With the Angels, Pillar is hitting .455 with three homers and fourteen RBIs in ten games, though he’s had eight more at-bats with the Halos. Still, what gives? How can an eleven-year veteran, so obviously motivated to extend his career, fall on his face with one team and then magically turn it around with another? I’m sure Sox manager Mickey Mouse had nothing to do with it. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind horse. Say no more.

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