Monday, March 24, 2014

Half Empty or Half Full?

The remaining three days in Florida kick off at 9 AM.  Today, we walked in from the parking lot to “YMCA” by the Village People playing on the sound system.  Twenty-five minutes later, everybody was lined up for the National Anthem.   My two greatest thrills as a parent have been to watch my daughter hit homeruns and see her stand at attention during the Anthem.

Two totally different Bluejay teams showed up today.  They lost the opener 8-0 to a team playing its first game of the season, only to turn around and shut out their next opponent, 7-0.  So, is the proverbial glass half empty or half full?  Given that life is hard enough without being a pessimist, put me in the half-full camp.  Speed and defense will keep us in games we would have lost last year, and, if the pitching comes around, then we’ll surprise people.  Look, if I'm going to freeze my butt off starting next week, I have to stay positive.  The alternative is just too grim to bear. 
My personal contribution to the Elmhurst cause had a tough day, with one hit and an rbi for both games; worse yet, the clean-up hitter in the first game had two homers.  After nearly eight years, I now understand this to be part of some cosmic plan that has to play itself out.  Usually, Clare waits until I give in to despair before going on a tear.
Why should this year be any different?

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