Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Cheesecake and Helmets

I opened up the Sun-Times’ sports section this morning to behold Frank Thomas surrounded by a bevy of short-skirted models.  C’mon, Frank, and ladies and national pastime, too.  There are enough stereotypes in that photo to choke a horse.  Start with race, move to gender and see if you can add any others to the list.

Cheesecake may have its place in life, but not here.  I feel the same way about the Gillette Home Run Derby.  It comes off as more show than competition.  If it was serious, they’d all be wearing batting helmets, or caps at least.  Let’s see Gillette pony up a hundred grand, and maybe that will take the kidding out of things.
Of course, Clare looks at it from her own perspective.  She’s won two homerun contests and placed fifth out of twenty-five against a bunch of boys in another.  The Derby is a chance for her to look at swings and approaches.  My child is taking mental notes for reasons she keeps to herself.

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