Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Inching Closer to the Penguins

MLB has decided to devote a website to all things (professionally) minor league, which is nice because it saves me time from having to go from team website to team website to see how White Sox affiliates did the night before.  And, of course, there are stories on all the up-and-coming players.  Why, just the other day I read about a pitcher from New Zealand the Phillies had signed.

Let’s see.  Part of New Zealand stretches south of Australia, which means MLB is inching closer to Antarctica.  I figure it’s only a matter of time before teams start holding tryouts for penguins, provided they’re male.  Because we all know there couldn’t possibly be a single female in all the world who could play in the major leagues, right?  A pitcher from New Zealand has more talent, just like those two pitchers from India who were signed by the Pirates in 2009 after winning a throwing contest/reality show.  What were their names again?     




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