Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A Better Idea

The Tribune had an AP story today on the possible fallout of COVID-19 on college sports.  Should athletic department budgets shrink, certain sports could be cut.  What a surprise.


And then there was the idea floated by former Big 12 Commissioner Dan Beebe to divide athletics into money-making “spectator sports” and “participation sports,” only one of which would get scholarship money.  Now, what sports do you think would qualify?  From what I can see, by “participation” Beebe basically means “intramural.”


I have a better idea—let’s divide college sports into “major violators” and “minor violators.”  Penalties would be imposed for breaking NCAA regulations; school- and team-conduct rules; and that thing we call the law.  Just for fun, contact the analytics’ crowd to come up with a scholarship formula that rewards good behavior and punishes bad.


Softball and baseball and, yes, tennis and golf might finally get a decent number of scholarships.  How ’bout it, guys?    

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