Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jenga, Giolito, Gibson

Clare called yesterday afternoon.  Rumor has it we may take a walk together soon, appropriately masked, of course.  But the call was all baseball.  My daughter had seen a YouTube interview with White Sox pitcher Lucas Giolito and told me she was forwarding the link.  It’s not quite visiting the elderly, but close.


Anyway, I went online to watch pro softball player—and all-time NCAA softball record holder for homeruns—Lauren Chamberlain interview Giolito over a game of Jenga.  Don’t ask; once your reach a certain age, that kind of stuff is dumb.  God forbid we ask people to possess the skills to talk to one another across a table.  To their credit, Chamberlain and Giolito can converse, so I guess it could’ve been a lot worse, and I don’t mean the Jenga tower collapsing early on.


What really impressed me was Giolito’s answer to a question, about the one pitch he’d most like to steal from anyone.  Without hesitating a second, Giolito answered, “Bob Gibson’s slider.” That meant not only did a pitcher from 2020 know who Gibson was, so did my daughter, at least to the extent she knew I’d be impressed that Giolito had a clue.  Of course, as soon as Clare mentioned it, I digressed into how my sliders gave her a problem at the ages of ten and eleven.  No good deed goes unpunished, my child. 

But I am happy she called, and I am happy Lucas Giolito has a clue.

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