Saturday, April 4, 2020

Bear Down, Matthew 25, 31-46

And you shall know them by how they act in a crisis, or otherwise.  I give you the McCaskey family, that is, if you want them.
The Misers of the Midway have contributed all of $250,000 in the fight against COVID-19.  I’m willing to bet Robert Kraft of the Patriots spent more this week sending the team jet to China to pick up 1.2 million protective masks for use in Massachusetts.  Or consider JJ Watt of the Texans and Kealia Ohai, soon to be playing with the Chicago Red Stars, knock on wood.  Together, the couple has donated $350,000 to corona-related food relief efforts in the Houston area.
But the keepers of the Halas flame prefer to pinch pennies while demanding their pound of flesh from Bears’ fans.  In case you’ve missed it with the crush of other, more important, news, the Munsters are not among the NFL teams to postpone the deadline to get season-ticket payments in.  Oh, if anyone out there is facing financial difficulties, the team wants you to call, and they’ll work something out on a case-by-case basis.  I wonder what the vig on that will be.
As to the relevant section from the Book of Matthew, Christ extols the righteous for feeding, clothing, visiting and welcoming Him during the course of their lives; for that, they are to enter the kingdom of Heaven.  Hearing this, the other folks ask, “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?”
The answer has something to do with the “least ones,” the kind of people who don’t register much with the McCaskeys.   

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