Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Late Night

Clare called last night.  Once upon a time, I would’ve been watching a ballgame on TV.  Now, I spend pretty much every night reading.  I guess that’s a good thing.


First, we talked baseball.  It seems that the owners in the guise of Commissioner Rob “The Undertaker” Manfred have invoked their authority per the March agreement with players to declare, Play Ball, per their rules.  From what I can tell, many if not all of the concessions offered players during subsequent negotiations are off the table.  No word yet on games ending in ties, so, fingers crossed.


I can’t wait for Bill DeWitt or some other owner tell me how this all benefits fans.  Do tell.  Maybe sixty games should be the new standard.  That way, they could raise ticket prices to more than double, and on beer, too.  All I know is the only person making sense on either side is Trevor Bauer.  Really, end times.


After commiserating on the sorry state of baseball, we discussed The Titan Games, which featured a transgender contestant.  I almost wished that fact hadn’t been mentioned because the transition was such that you never would’ve thought otherwise.  I’ll take last night’s episode as evidence of social progress, unlike anything coming out of what used to be the national pastime.

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