Monday, June 15, 2020

No, They Didn't

To all those sportswriters reacting to yesterday’s Mark McGwire/Sammy Sosa “Long Gone Summer” documentary on ESPN—if you say, “They cheated,” that means you all see sports as something more than entertainment, yes?


Because, if baseball is just entertainment, there have to be a whole bunch of actors out there who used PEDs to bulk up to help their careers.  How would that be different?  You can’t have it both ways, guys, you can’t say it’s entertainment and then complain when the entertainers do something to better fit the part.


And can we stop saying the 1998 homerun chase “saved” baseball?  How do you know that for sure?  It’d be more accurate to say that McGwire and Sosa pointed the way to a particular style of play.  Call them the grand-daddies of launch angle, if you want, just don’t call them saviors.


Think about it.  There’s a straight line from 1998 to where baseball is today.  The only difference is that hitters can’t use chemically-produced muscle to achieve the launch angle, exit velocity and stats the analytics’ crowd so loves.  That stuff is killing baseball, but I was the kind of fan who never thought much of McGwire and Sosa back in the day.  What do I know?



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