Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Marathon Turns into a Sprint

 Well, we’re going to have baseball, of a sort, this summer after all.  Sixty games is better than none.  Maybe.  I mean, they’re still going to start extra half-inning with a runner at second base.  That, my friends, is stupid.
And this all assumes COVID-19 stays away.  Right now, it’s burning through Florida, Texas, Arizona and California.  Last time I checked, there’s a whole lot of baseball teams in those states.  I guess that’s what the taxi squad is for.  Can anyone tell me if it’s three taxi squad players plus thirty extra players just hanging around, or vice versa?  And how many asterisks will be used for single-season records?  Just wondering.
I’m not going to sit here and say I won’t watch a game, because I know I will.  The thought of going straight into autumn without any baseball depresses me no end, unless of course, there’s no football to go with no baseball.  Come to think of it, that would sort of depress me, too.
Good news, though.  No tie games except for whatever they’re calling the resumption of spring training.  July training?  Baseball camp?  Gettin’ ready for end times…

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