Saturday, September 15, 2018

Palka, not Charboneau

The Athletic had a story this week on White Sox rookie outfielder Daniel Palka, whose popularity is taking on cult-like dimensions.  As one fan put it, Palka is like a ringer at a sixteen-inch softball game who has even brought along beer.

Palka thinks “it’s kinda funny how much I kind of fit in on the South Side as opposed to any other big league city, you know?”  Yes, I do, Daniel.  I played just enough softball to recognize your silhouette and smart mouth.  Crack wise and hit, that’s all any Sox fan could ask for.  Oh, and do both against the Cubs.          

My daughter, living far from her father’s baneful influence, has fallen for what’s being called “Palkamania,” all on her own.  As Clare sees it, “He’s insane,” which she means as the highest of compliments.  The girl has a soft spot for anyone who can hit the ball as hard as she did.

The danger is that Palka turns into another Joe Charboneau, a one-year wonder for the Indians in the early ’80s.  It could happen, though I have my fingers crossed it won’t.  Palka is 26 and on his third organization; a trade and a release may have humbled him while giving him a sizable chip on his shoulder.  The smart mouth has something to prove, and that’s good.  

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