Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Weasel Words

White Sox general manager Rick Hahn came out and stated the obvious before Monday’s game against the Tigers, that top prospect Eloy Jimenez won’t be among the September call-ups.  Hahn told reporters it didn’t make sense “for Eloy, at age 21, to make an appearance at a third level [of professional baseball] this season.”  Of course, “sense” is in the eyes of the beholder.

Hahn went on to say, “In our opinion, it’s in everyone’s best interest for him to continue to develop into a well-rounded impactful player we project him to be.”  With a talent so great, Hahn said he would rather err “on the side of patience.”  What a crock.

By waiting until the middle of next April, the Sox will get to keep their prized possession through 2025; bring Jimenez up now, and he could be gone after 2024.  Would Hahn be so patient if keeping Jimenez—who batted .355 in Triple-A vs. .317 in Double-A—meant losing him a year sooner?  I doubt it.  So, why not be a grown up and admit to your motivation instead of stringing everyone along for an entire season?  Notice that Hahn didn’t say that at one point in the season he was leaning in the direction of bringing Jimenez up.  That being the case, he spent the better part of a year talking gobbbledegook.   

Why not gamble that calling up Jimenez now would actually benefit his development?  Jimenez would have a month in the majors and something to carry with him through the offseason.  If he did great, he’d focus on doing more of the same come April 2019.  If he did so-so or worse, he’d have his offseason motivation.  But, no, the White Sox prefer to be penny-wise and pound-foolish.

That’s the perfect epitaph for the reign of Reinsdorf.

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