Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Tree Falls...

On Monday, the Chicago Bandits won the National Fastpitch championship with a 1-0 victory over the USSSA Pride.  I know this because I happened to catch the 52-word story in Tuesday’s Tribune.  That’s 52 more words than in the Sun-Times, and, if anyone mentioned it on the nightly sports, I missed it.

According to, there were nearly 372,000 high school softball players in 2014 and another 31,000 in college.  Somehow, that translates into five—count them, five—pro teams.  And where did the Bandits win their title?  Why, in Hoover, Alabama, although don’t ask me why.  It would seem to make more sense to hold the games in a major media venue like New York City, Chicago or Los Angeles.  And how many fans were in attendance.  The NPF website puts it at…0, as in less than one.  Oh, and the website will soon have an online form for anyone interested in acquiring a franchise.

I’m tempted.  First, I’d build a home field that looked like a real ballpark down to the quirky dimensions and brick walls.  Next, I’d install a four-player pitching staff because it can’t hurt to borrow a few ideas from baseball.  Then, I’d put everyone in pinstripes, and they’d be wearing caps in the field, not visors.  If I had any money left over, I’d take out ads in the paper to let the world know the Chicks or Bloomer Girls or Xenas exist and are worth a look.

I just need to win the lottery to get started.

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