Friday, August 7, 2015

Dumb Ideas

On Wednesday, a Victoria’s Secret model threw out the first pitch.  How to put this?  She threw like it was the first time someone put a baseball in her hand.

So, the White Sox want women to throw out the first pitch; toss tee-shirts from on top of the dugout; and work in the front office, as long as it’s in community relations.  This isn’t a 1950s’ mindset; that would be an improvement, given that the All American Girls Professional Baseball League was still in existence.  No, this is more Stepford Wives, updated for a new century.

And let’s not forget Faith Day, the upcoming Sox promotion on August 30th.  I kid you not.  Several players and Willie Robertson from the cast of Duck Dynasty will be talking about the presence of God in their lives; here’s hoping that scheduled participants Gordon Beckham and Adam LaRoche preach better than they hit.  I’m sure Adam and Gordon will be discussing Pope Francis’ recent encyclical on the environment.  What better venue to warn against the evils of lead buckshot when hunting?        

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